Royal Blue 24ml
20.00 د.إ
Royal Blue 24ml is a perfume oil that embodies a sense of strength and elegance in a bottle. This fragrance combines fresh, invigorating notes with deep, woody undertones, creating a scent that feels both refreshing and grounded. Ideal for those who appreciate a fragrance with character, Royal Blue transitions beautifully from crisp top notes to a more subtle, warm base, offering a well-balanced and sophisticated aroma. The oil formulation provides a close-to-skin experience, allowing the fragrance to envelop you in a smooth, personal aura. The 24ml size ensures you can enjoy this distinctive scent whenever you wish, making it the perfect addition to your fragrance collection.
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Royal Blue 24ml Perfume Oil – Shangani Brand
Royal Blue 24ml is a captivating perfume oil from the Shangani brand, designed to offer a fragrance that feels both bold and refined. This 24ml bottle contains a rich blend of invigorating, fresh notes combined with deeper, earthy undertones, creating a scent that evokes confidence and sophistication. Royal Blue is ideal for those who enjoy a fragrance with a strong presence, yet balanced with a smooth and subtle warmth that makes it suitable for any occasion.
As the fragrance unfolds, the crisp top notes give way to a rich heart of woods and florals, providing a sense of elegance that feels natural and approachable. The oil-based formula ensures the scent stays close to the skin, offering a refined and intimate experience. The 24ml size is perfect for those who seek a more generous amount of this striking fragrance, ideal for everyday wear or special events. With Royal Blue, you can embrace a fragrance that complements your unique style and makes a statement wherever you go.
Additional information
Weight | 160 g |
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