Pink Fasio 50ml
20.00 د.إ
Pink Fasio 50ml is a lively and uplifting perfume spray from the Shangani brand that captures the essence of freshness with every spritz. This fragrance opens with a burst of delicate floral notes, followed by a soft, fruity sweetness that adds an invigorating twist. The 50ml spray bottle makes it easy to enjoy this cheerful scent, delivering a fine mist that envelops you in a refreshing aura. Pink Fasio is perfect for those who seek a fragrance that feels light, joyful, and effortlessly elegant, whether you’re refreshing yourself during a busy day or simply adding a touch of charm to any occasion. The combination of florals and fruity accents ensures a balanced, harmonious scent that lifts your spirits and enhances your presence.
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Pink Fasio 50ml Perfume Spray – Shangani Brand
Pink Fasio 50ml is a vibrant and refreshing perfume spray from Shangani that offers a playful blend of floral and fruity notes. This fragrance begins with a burst of fresh, bright florals, followed by a subtle touch of sweet, juicy fruits that create a lively, uplifting scent. The 50ml spray bottle provides the perfect size for those who enjoy a fragrance that’s both light and energizing, making it ideal for daily wear or whenever you want to add a refreshing touch to your day.
The spray application ensures an even distribution, allowing you to enjoy the fragrance with ease. Pink Fasio brings a sense of cheerfulness and grace, with its harmonious balance of soft florals and sweet fruity accents. Whether you’re at work, out with friends, or enjoying a casual day, Pink Fasio adds a delightful and carefree essence that complements your lively spirit. Its fresh, dynamic composition is perfect for those who love fragrances that feel both vibrant and comforting.
Additional information
Weight | 160 g |
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