Showing 1–16 of 23 results

  • Amara 100ml concentrated perfume oil of SHANGANI perfumes

    Amara 100ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Amara 100ml by SHANGANI brand, is an exquisite Arabic perfume oil designed exclusively for women in the UAE. This concentrated perfume oil opens with a refreshing top note blend of melon, floral, and green accords. The heart reveals an enchanting mix of rose, fruity, and muguet notes, leading to a captivating base of sugary, musk, and white amber. Perfectly crafted for those who seek elegance and sophistication, Amara 100ml embodies the essence of timeless beauty.

  • Ameer 120ml of Shangani which is Alcohol free perfume oil

    AMEER 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    AMEER 120ML from the SHANGANI brand, a distinguished Arabic perfume oil designed for the UAE market. This exquisite perfume oil offers a rich and captivating fragrance experience while being free from alcohol, making it perfect for those who appreciate authentic Arabic scents without alcohol. Ideal for everyday wear, **AMEER 120ML** captures the essence of traditional Arabic perfumery with modern elegance. Embrace the allure of SHANGANI and enhance your scent journey.

  • Ameer al Oud concentrated perfume oils which is a product of ARD PERFUMES, made in uae

    Ameer Al Oud 100ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Ameer Al Oud 100ml from the SHANGANI brand—an exquisite Arabic perfume oil crafted for women in the UAE. This concentrated perfume oil delivers a rich and captivating fragrance, reflecting the essence of traditional Arabic scents with modern elegance. Ideal for those seeking a refined and authentic perfume experience.

  • Ammer Al oud 24ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Ameer Al Oud 24ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Ameer Al Oud 24ml is a perfume oil that captures the timeless allure of oud in a rich, smooth formula. This carefully crafted fragrance is designed for those who appreciate the complexity and depth of oud, combined with soft, earthy undertones that bring warmth and sophistication to the scent. The 24ml bottle allows you to enjoy a generous amount of this captivating fragrance, offering an intimate experience with every application. Perfect for those who prefer a fragrance that envelops the senses without overpowering, Ameer Al Oud offers a refined scent that feels both powerful and understated, making it a versatile addition to any perfume collection.

  • Ammer Al oud 7ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Ameer Al Oud 7ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Ameer Al Oud is designed to leave a memorable impression, enveloping you in a captivating aura wherever you go. With its pure perfume oil formulation, it provides a smoother, more intimate scent experience. Whether for daily wear or special occasions, this fragrance will bring an unforgettable touch to your collection.

  • Badri 120ml of Shangani which is Alcohol free perfume oil

    BADRI 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    BADRI 120ML from the SHANGANI brand—a premium Arabic perfume oil designed exclusively for the UAE market. This exquisite perfume oil is free from alcohol, offering a pure and authentic scent experience. Perfect for those who appreciate traditional Arabic fragrances, BADRI 120ML embodies the essence of refined elegance with its rich, aromatic profile. Ideal for daily wear, it captures the true spirit of Arabic perfume oils while catering to contemporary preferences.

  • Black Spirit 24ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Black Spirit 24ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Black Spirit 24ml is a perfume oil that evokes an air of mystery and elegance with its bold and complex composition. This fragrance starts with a striking blend of deep, smoky woods and aromatic spices, creating a scent that feels both commanding and captivating. As it develops, a smooth, warm undertone emerges, balancing the intensity and adding a layer of sophistication. The oil-based formulation ensures a more intimate and personal experience, allowing the fragrance to settle closely to the skin and reveal its unique depth throughout the day. The 24ml bottle offers a generous amount of this striking fragrance, perfect for those who want a scent that leaves a memorable impression without being overwhelming. Black Spirit is for those who embrace the power of a fragrance that speaks volumes.

  • Black Spirit 7ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Black Spirit 7ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Black Spirit is not just a fragrance; it’s an experience that captures the essence of strength and mystery. With every application, it evokes a sense of power and individuality, creating an aura that is both captivating and unforgettable. The deep, resinous base notes are complemented by a subtle spicy undertone, offering a unique blend that transforms as you wear it. The fragrance speaks to those who value authenticity and complexity, leaving a signature scent that is as distinctive as the person wearing it. Ideal for those who desire a fragrance that sets them apart, Black Spirit brings a bold, refined touch to your collection.

  • Blue Oud 100ml concentrated perfume oil of SHANGANI

    Blue Oud 100ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Blue Oud 100ml by SHANGANI is a premium Arabic perfume oil that embodies the essence of traditional elegance and modern sophistication. Crafted with meticulous care, this concentrated perfume oil delivers a rich, captivating fragrance that resonates with the cultural heritage of the UAE. Ideal for those who appreciate the depth and complexity of Arabic scents, Blue Oud is a quintessential addition to any collection of perfume oils. Experience the allure of high-quality Arabic perfume oil with SHANGANI’s Blue Oud, designed to make a lasting impression.

  • FARHAN 120ML - Arabic Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    FARHAN 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    FARHAN 120ML of SHANGANI, an exquisite Arabic perfume oil crafted for the UAE market. This refined perfume oil is free from alcohol, ensuring a pure and authentic scent experience. Ideal for those seeking a true Arabic fragrance, FARHAN 120ML embodies the essence of traditional perfume oils while catering to modern preferences. Perfectly suited for daily wear, it reflects the rich heritage of Arabic perfumery with a touch of contemporary elegance.

  • Hadi 100ml concentrated perfume oil of SHANGANI

    HADI 100ml

    20.00 د.إ

    HADI 100ml is an exquisite Arabic perfume oil under the SHANGANI brand, crafted with the finest ingredients to deliver a rich and long-lasting fragrance. Designed for the discerning clientele in the UAE, this concentrated perfume oil embodies elegance and sophistication, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate the deep, resonant notes of traditional Arabic scents. Ideal for everyday wear, this perfume oil ensures a lingering and captivating aroma that speaks of timeless beauty.

  • IMAN 120ML - Arabic Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    IMAN 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    IMAN 120ML Arabic perfume oil of SHANGANI brand. Crafted with precision in the UAE, this exquisite perfume oil offers a rich and authentic fragrance experience. Free from alcohol, it embodies the true spirit of Arabic perfume oils, delivering a captivating aroma that enhances your presence. Perfect for those who appreciate high-quality, alcohol-free options, “IMAN” is a distinguished choice in the world of SHANGANI.

  • ISA 120ML - Arabic Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    ISA 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    ISA 120ML, a premium Arabic perfume oil from the SHANGANI brand. Crafted in the UAE, this luxurious perfume oil is free from alcohol, ensuring a pure and authentic fragrance. ISA 120ML delivers a rich and sophisticated aroma, perfect for those who appreciate traditional Arabic perfumery. Elevate your scent profile with the elegance and refinement of ISA 120ML.

  • JAMAL 120ml of Shangani which is Alcohol free perfume oil

    JAMAL 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    JAMAL 120ML under the SHANGANI brand, a premium Arabic perfume oil designed for the UAE market. This exquisite perfume oil offers a refined fragrance experience, free from alcohol, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a traditional yet modern scent. The SHANGANI brand’s commitment to quality is evident in every drop, ensuring an authentic Arabic perfume oil experience tailored for discerning individuals in the UAE.

  • MALIK 120ml of Shangani which is Alcohol free perfume oil

    MALIK 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    MALIK 120ML from the SHANGANI brand. This Arabic perfume oil, crafted specifically for the UAE market, offers a refined fragrance that embodies tradition and sophistication. Completely free from alcohol, it provides a pure and authentic perfume oil experience. Ideal for those who appreciate high-quality Arabic scents, MALIK 120ML is a testament to the SHANGANI commitment to delivering exceptional, alcohol-free Arabic perfume oils.

  • Pink Fasio 24ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Pink Fasio 24ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Pink Fasio 24ml is a perfume oil that embodies the spirit of joy and freshness with its delightful blend of floral and fruity notes. Designed for those who enjoy a fragrance that feels both vibrant and soothing, Pink Fasio opens with an invigorating burst of floral blooms, seamlessly transitioning into soft, fruity undertones that add a playful twist. The oil-based formula creates a close-to-skin experience, enveloping you in a soft, personal scent that complements your natural essence. The 24ml bottle is perfect for those who wish to enjoy this enchanting fragrance in abundance, offering a refreshing touch that’s ideal for both casual days and special moments.