Showing 17–23 of 23 results

  • Pink Fasio 7ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Pink Fasio 7ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Pink Fasio is a celebration of freshness and femininity, designed for those who appreciate the lighter, more enchanting side of fragrance. The scent unfolds like a delicate floral breeze, with notes that gently evolve throughout the day. Its sweet, floral heart is balanced with hints of fruity zest and a soft, smooth finish, making it a versatile scent for any occasion. Whether you’re looking to brighten your everyday routine or add a touch of elegance to a special moment, Pink Fasio brings a refreshing and radiant energy that effortlessly complements your natural beauty.

  • RASHID 120ML - Arabic Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    RASHID 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    RASHID 120ML from the SHANGANI brand, a distinguished Arabic perfume oil available in the UAE. This exquisite perfume oil offers a refined scent experience, free from alcohol and crafted to embody the essence of traditional Arabic perfumery. Perfect for those who appreciate the authentic allure of Arabic fragrance in its purest form.

  • Romance 24ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Romance 24ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Romance 24ml is a perfume oil that encapsulates the essence of subtle elegance and affection. Its soft floral notes, blended harmoniously with warm, gentle undertones, create a fragrance that feels like a quiet moment of tenderness. Perfect for those who enjoy a scent that is both comforting and graceful, Romance unfolds with a fresh, floral burst that gradually transitions into a smooth, delicate warmth. The oil-based formulation allows the fragrance to linger close to the skin, offering a personal, intimate experience. The 24ml bottle is a perfect size for those who want to indulge in this soothing, charming fragrance, whether for daily wear or for those special, memorable moments.

  • Romance 7ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Romance 7ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Romance 7ml is more than just a fragrance—it’s an invitation to experience the beauty of quiet moments and heartfelt connections. The delicate composition of floral and warm notes creates a sense of gentle elegance that lingers softly, leaving behind an impression of tenderness and charm. This perfume oil is perfect for those who desire a fragrance that mirrors their graceful presence, offering an understated yet powerful aura. Whether you’re enjoying a serene day or a special evening, Romance adds a touch of sweetness and warmth that feels like a personal embrace, making every moment more memorable.

  • Royal Blue 24ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Royal Blue 24ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Royal Blue 24ml is a perfume oil that embodies a sense of strength and elegance in a bottle. This fragrance combines fresh, invigorating notes with deep, woody undertones, creating a scent that feels both refreshing and grounded. Ideal for those who appreciate a fragrance with character, Royal Blue transitions beautifully from crisp top notes to a more subtle, warm base, offering a well-balanced and sophisticated aroma. The oil formulation provides a close-to-skin experience, allowing the fragrance to envelop you in a smooth, personal aura. The 24ml size ensures you can enjoy this distinctive scent whenever you wish, making it the perfect addition to your fragrance collection.

  • Royal Blue 7ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Royal Blue 7ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Royal Blue captures the essence of timeless elegance, blending classic notes with a contemporary twist. This fragrance envelops you in a rich, captivating aura that speaks to both strength and grace. Its intriguing composition begins with fresh, invigorating top notes that gradually evolve into a deep, grounding heart of woods and florals. As the fragrance settles, it reveals a refined, smooth finish that lingers gently, making it an ideal choice for those who seek a scent that complements their sophisticated and confident persona. Royal Blue is more than just a fragrance; it’s a signature scent that perfectly reflects a poised and assured character.

  • Super Soft 100ml concentrated perfume oil of SHANGANI

    Super Soft 100ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Super Soft 100ml from the SHANGANI brand, a luxurious Arabic perfume oil designed for those who appreciate the finer things in life. This concentrated perfume oil is expertly crafted to offer a sophisticated and enduring scent experience. Ideal for the UAE market, “Super Soft” delivers an elegant and unique fragrance that captivates and enchants. Discover the allure of premium Arabic perfume oil with SHANGANI’s latest addition to its exquisite collection.