Showing 1–16 of 151 results

  • Ahlam Al Emarates by ARD PERFUMES

    Ahlam Al Emarat Perfume

    30.00 د.إ

    Ahlam Al Emarat Perfume offers a captivating Arabic perfume experience for both men and women in the UAE. This sophisticated fragrance is crafted from a blend of natural ingredients, combining spices, flowers, and woods to create an alluring and enduring scent. The top notes present a fresh mix of citrus and spice, leading into a heart of floral and woody elements. The base notes, enriched with musk and amber, enhance the perfume’s distinctive and exotic allure.

  • Al Jaleel Perfume Spray manufactured by ARD PerfumesAl Jaleel Perfume Spray manufactured by ARD Perfumes

    Al Jaleel Perfume

    35.00 د.إ

    Al Jaleel Perfume Spray opens with vibrant top notes of lemon, green notes, and saffron, delivering a refreshing and slightly spicy introduction. The heart of the fragrance reveals a blend of green apple, dry fruit, and amber, adding a touch of sweetness and warmth. The base notes of oakmoss, sugary accents, and musk provide a rich, earthy foundation, creating a well-rounded scent that lingers on the skin with a soft, lasting finish.

  • Amara 100ml concentrated perfume oil of SHANGANI perfumes

    Amara 100ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Amara 100ml by SHANGANI brand, is an exquisite Arabic perfume oil designed exclusively for women in the UAE. This concentrated perfume oil opens with a refreshing top note blend of melon, floral, and green accords. The heart reveals an enchanting mix of rose, fruity, and muguet notes, leading to a captivating base of sugary, musk, and white amber. Perfectly crafted for those who seek elegance and sophistication, Amara 100ml embodies the essence of timeless beauty.

  • Ameer 120ml of Shangani which is Alcohol free perfume oil

    AMEER 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    AMEER 120ML from the SHANGANI brand, a distinguished Arabic perfume oil designed for the UAE market. This exquisite perfume oil offers a rich and captivating fragrance experience while being free from alcohol, making it perfect for those who appreciate authentic Arabic scents without alcohol. Ideal for everyday wear, **AMEER 120ML** captures the essence of traditional Arabic perfumery with modern elegance. Embrace the allure of SHANGANI and enhance your scent journey.

  • Ameer al Oud concentrated perfume oils which is a product of ARD PERFUMES, made in uae

    Ameer Al Oud 100ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Ameer Al Oud 100ml from the SHANGANI brand—an exquisite Arabic perfume oil crafted for women in the UAE. This concentrated perfume oil delivers a rich and captivating fragrance, reflecting the essence of traditional Arabic scents with modern elegance. Ideal for those seeking a refined and authentic perfume experience.

  • Ammer Al oud 20ml is a pocket perfume product of Shangani brand

    Ameer Al Oud 20ml

    10.00 د.إ

    Ammer Al Oud 20ml is a portable fragrance that brings the captivating essence of oud into your daily life. With its rich, smoky depth, this pocket perfume delivers a bold and earthy scent that evolves subtly over time. The compact 20ml size makes it perfect for slipping into your bag or pocket, allowing you to refresh your scent with ease, wherever you are. Whether you’re attending a meeting or enjoying a night out, Ammer Al Oud offers a sophisticated touch that complements your dynamic lifestyle. This fragrance is an ideal companion for those who value convenience without compromising on the richness of an authentic oud experience.

  • Ammer Al oud 24ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Ameer Al Oud 24ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Ameer Al Oud 24ml is a perfume oil that captures the timeless allure of oud in a rich, smooth formula. This carefully crafted fragrance is designed for those who appreciate the complexity and depth of oud, combined with soft, earthy undertones that bring warmth and sophistication to the scent. The 24ml bottle allows you to enjoy a generous amount of this captivating fragrance, offering an intimate experience with every application. Perfect for those who prefer a fragrance that envelops the senses without overpowering, Ameer Al Oud offers a refined scent that feels both powerful and understated, making it a versatile addition to any perfume collection.

  • Ammer Al oud 50ml is a perfume spray product of Shangani brand

    Ameer Al Oud 50ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Ameer Al Oud 50ml is a sophisticated perfume spray that delivers the powerful essence of oud with every spritz. This fragrance is designed to evoke a sense of strength and elegance, with its rich, smoky oud notes combined with earthy, woody undertones that develop into a smooth, warm finish. The 50ml spray bottle makes it easy to carry and apply the fragrance, whether you’re at home or on the go. Ameer Al Oud is perfect for those who appreciate deep, authentic oud scents, offering a fragrance experience that is both bold and refined. The spray mechanism ensures an even distribution, giving you the perfect amount of fragrance every time, allowing you to enjoy the depth of oud in a convenient, portable format.

  • Ammer Al oud 7ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Ameer Al Oud 7ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Ameer Al Oud is designed to leave a memorable impression, enveloping you in a captivating aura wherever you go. With its pure perfume oil formulation, it provides a smoother, more intimate scent experience. Whether for daily wear or special occasions, this fragrance will bring an unforgettable touch to your collection.

  • Ameer al Oud Perfume of SHANGANI brand which is sub brand of ARD PERFUMES

    Ameer Al Oud Perfume

    20.00 د.إ

    Ameer Al Oud Perfume by SHANGANI is an Arabic perfume oil crafted for those who appreciate a rich, royal spray experience. Designed for the UAE market, this fragrance embodies the essence of tradition and elegance, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a truly regal scent.

  • Amir 100ML by ARD Perfumes

    Amir 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Amir 100ML of ARD PERFUMES is a concentrated perfume oil.

    Superb quality of Concentrated Oil Perfume. It’s a multipurpose concentrated oil perfume doe Men. Suitable for mixing with your favorite fragrance or can be use individually. Ensure the higher quality of fragrance packed and its diffusion. The same has been packed under hygienic conditions, making it highly beneficial for your fragrance requirements. Please read the instructions on the package before use.

  • Anaqa 100ML concentrated Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    Anaqa 100ML

    35.00 د.إ

    ANAQA 100ML from ARD PERFUMES is a sophisticated Arabic perfume oil crafted for the UAE market. This concentrated perfume oil is free from alcohol, ensuring a long-lasting and pure fragrance experience. Perfect for those who appreciate the richness of traditional scents, ANAQA embodies elegance and allure in every drop.


    ANAQA Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    ANAQA Attar by ARD PERFUMES is our Collection of Luxury Fragrances which is available. So be prepared to get mesmerized by the ultimate smell of Luxury. What is Concentrated Perfume Oil (Attar):- Arabic perfume oils last much longer as compared to ordinary perfumes. Because these perfumes don’t contain any alcohol, so their ability to last longer is higher. They are so intense that even a small bottle of perfume oil attar can last longer.

  • Awa 3ml attar, ARD Alnaseem AttarsArwa concentrated oil attar 3ml by ard perfumes

    Arwa 3ML

    40.00 د.إ

    Arwa 3ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 12 pieces (3ML x 12)


  • Arwa-6ml-attar-by-ARD-perfumes-perfumes,-Attars,-air-fresheners

    Arwa 6ML

    30.00 د.إ

    Arwa 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)



    Arwa Attar

    30.00 د.إ

    Arwa Attar from ARD PERFUMES is a luxurious perfume oil that’s perfect for anyone who loves elegant and sophisticated fragrances. This perfume oil is a favorite among fragrance enthusiasts for its high-quality and authentic scent that leaves you feeling confident and refined. This perfume oil is highly concentrated, meaning that a little goes a long way. Its long-lasting formula ensures that you can enjoy the fragrance for hours, and its compact size makes it easy to carry around. The best thing about Arwa Attar is that it’s suitable for all occasions. Whether you’re heading to a formal event or just going about your day-to-day activities, this fragrance is perfect for you. Its sophisticated and alluring scent will leave you feeling confident and refined, and its long-lasting formula means that you can enjoy the fragrance for hours. In conclusion, if you want to discover the elegance of the Middle East, try Arwa Attar from ARD PERFUMES. Made in UAE, this perfume oil is a luxurious fragrance that’s perfect for any occasion. Invest in this fragrance today and discover the magic of its sophisticated and alluring scent.