Showing 17–32 of 151 results

  • Asad 6ml Rollon by Ard PERFUMES

    Asad 6ML

    30.00 د.إ

    Asad 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Asad Arabic Air Freshener by Ard perfumes

    Asad Air Freshener

    30.00 د.إ

    Asad Air Freshener by ARD PERFUMES, a premium Arabic room spray crafted with the essence of Arabic perfume oil. Designed specifically for the UAE market, this perfume oil-based air freshener is free from alcohol, ensuring a pure and lasting fragrance experience. Transform your space with the captivating aroma of Arabic tradition.

  • AZRA 100ml, a concentrated perfume oil exquisitely crafted by ARD Perfumes in the UAE. Packaged in a stunning combination of gold and red, perfect for the sophisticated woman

    AZRA 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    AZRA 100ml is a captivating Arabic perfume oil crafted with precision for the discerning tastes of the UAE market. This perfume oil, free from alcohol, offers a rich and long-lasting fragrance experience. Its concentrated essence embodies the elegance and allure of traditional Arabic scents, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a luxurious and authentic aroma.

  • Azra Attar by ARD PERFUMES

    Azra Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Azra Attar – A Fragrance Journey Like No Other

    Introducing Azra Attar by ARD Perfumes, a masterpiece of olfactory artistry that transcends boundaries and captivates the senses. Immerse yourself in the rich symphony of fragrances meticulously crafted to evoke emotions, memories, and moments of sheer delight. Brought to you by ARD Perfumes, a prestigious brand based in the UAE, Azra Attar embodies the essence of luxury, tradition, and innovation.

  • Badri 120ml of Shangani which is Alcohol free perfume oil

    BADRI 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    BADRI 120ML from the SHANGANI brand—a premium Arabic perfume oil designed exclusively for the UAE market. This exquisite perfume oil is free from alcohol, offering a pure and authentic scent experience. Perfect for those who appreciate traditional Arabic fragrances, BADRI 120ML embodies the essence of refined elegance with its rich, aromatic profile. Ideal for daily wear, it captures the true spirit of Arabic perfume oils while catering to contemporary preferences.

  • Balqees Attar by ARD PERFUMES – Embrace Royal Elegance with Spicy Saffron & Peppy Lemon

    Balqees Attar

    45.00 د.إ

    Balqees Attar by ARD PERFUMES is a fragrance that delights the senses with its unique blend. It opens with a lively mix of spicy saffron and fresh lemon, creating an exciting, uplifting feel. As it settles on the skin, the gentle scent of lavender adds a calming, soft touch. Finally, warm caramel comes through, adding a sweet and cozy finish that makes this attar memorable. Made in the UAE, this perfume oil is alcohol-free and crafted with care, making it gentle on the skin and long-lasting. Balqees Attar is beautifully packaged, perfect as a special gift for women who love elegant, high-quality fragrances.

  • Baraka100ML by ARD Perfumes

    Baraka 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Baraka 100ml, a fragrance from ARD PERFUMES‘s Amour Collection, is a perfect choice for those who want to add a touch of luxury to their daily routine. This fragrance is a beautiful combination of floral and fruity notes, which make it an ideal choice for anyone looking for a sweet, refreshing scent. At the top,…

  • Baraka 6ml by ARD PERFUMES

    Baraka 6ML

    30.00 د.إ

    Baraka 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Baraka Arabic Air Freshener by ard perfumes

    Baraka Air Freshener

    30.00 د.إ

    Baraka Air Freshener by ARD PERFUMES is an exquisite Arabic room spray crafted with the finest Arabic perfume oils. Designed specifically for the UAE market, this alcohol-free air freshener brings a refreshing and aromatic ambiance to any space, embodying the rich traditions of Arabic perfumery. Perfect for those seeking a premium perfume oil experience without the use of alcohol, Baraka offers a serene and luxurious atmosphere for your home or office.

  • Baraka Air Freshener 380ml by ard PERFUMES. Made in UAE

    Baraka Air Freshener 380ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Baraka Air Freshener 380ml, a premium Arabic room spray designed to elevate your space with the essence of Arabic perfume oil. Crafted in the UAE, this perfume oil air freshener offers a luxurious aroma experience while being free from alcohol. Perfect for enhancing any room, the Baraka Air Freshener combines traditional Arabic fragrance with modern convenience, ensuring a fresh and inviting atmosphere throughout your home.

  • Baraka Arabic Perfume for women by ARD PERFUMESBaraka Arabic Perfume for women by ARD PERFUMES

    Baraka Perfume

    35.00 د.إ

    Baraka Perfume is a quintessential Arabic perfume for women, crafted to embody the elegance and allure of the UAE. This Floral Fruity fragrance offers a harmonious blend of enchanting aromas, designed to captivate and leave a lasting impression. Immerse yourself in its exquisite layers and experience the true essence of regional sophistication.

  • Bint Al Arab 100ML manufactured by ARD Perfumes

    Bint Al Arab 100ML

    35.00 د.إ

    Bint Al Arab 100ml is a premium Arabic perfume oil designed specifically for the UAE market. This concentrated perfume oil is free from alcohol, offering a rich and enduring fragrance that captures the essence of traditional Arabian scents. Perfect for those who seek an authentic and lasting aroma, this perfume oil is a symbol of elegance and cultural pride.

  • Bint Al Arab Attar of ARD PERFUMES

    Bint Al Arab Attar

    45.00 د.إ

    Bint Al Arab Attar by ARD PERFUMES is a luxurious and exotic fragrance that is fully oriental and made in the UAE. This attar is the perfect choice for those who appreciate the art of perfumery and want to indulge in a fragrance that is both sophisticated and unique. The fragrance of Bint Al Arab Attar is a complex blend of natural ingredients, including flowers, spices, that create an alluring and long-lasting scent. The top notes of this attar are a blend of floral and spicy notes, while the heart notes are a combination of exotic flowers and warm spices.

  • Bint Al Arab Perfume Spray for Women manufactured by ARD PerfumesBint Al Arab Perfume Spray for Women manufactured by ARD Perfumes

    Bint Al Arab Perfume

    35.00 د.إ

    Bint Al Arab Perfume is a distinguished Arabic perfume for women, crafted to captivate and enchant. In the UAE, this fragrance stands out with its invigorating top notes of fruity apple and green, ideal for daytime wear. The heart reveals a warm blend of sandalwood, white flowers, and amber, perfect for romantic or special occasions. Finally, the base notes of sandalwood, floral, and red berries add sophistication and elegance, leaving a lasting impression. Whether you’re heading out for a casual day or an elegant evening, Bint Al Arab offers a versatile and memorable scent experience.

  • Black Spirit 20ml is a pocket perfume product of Shangani brand

    Black Spirit 20ml

    10.00 د.إ

    Black Spirit 20ml is the perfect way to carry a bold, dynamic fragrance in a sleek and portable form. This pocket perfume is designed for individuals who seek a fragrance with depth and character, offering a rich, smoky base with a touch of spice that evolves beautifully throughout the day. The 20ml bottle is compact enough to fit seamlessly into your pocket or bag, making it easy to refresh your scent anytime, anywhere. Whether you’re heading to a meeting or enjoying an evening out, Black Spirit adds a layer of sophistication and intrigue, making every moment more memorable.

  • Black Spirit 24ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Black Spirit 24ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Black Spirit 24ml is a perfume oil that evokes an air of mystery and elegance with its bold and complex composition. This fragrance starts with a striking blend of deep, smoky woods and aromatic spices, creating a scent that feels both commanding and captivating. As it develops, a smooth, warm undertone emerges, balancing the intensity and adding a layer of sophistication. The oil-based formulation ensures a more intimate and personal experience, allowing the fragrance to settle closely to the skin and reveal its unique depth throughout the day. The 24ml bottle offers a generous amount of this striking fragrance, perfect for those who want a scent that leaves a memorable impression without being overwhelming. Black Spirit is for those who embrace the power of a fragrance that speaks volumes.