Showing 33–48 of 151 results

  • Black Spirit 50ml is a perfume spray product of Shangani brand

    Black Spirit 50ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Black Spirit 50ml is a perfume spray that makes a striking statement with its rich, intense fragrance. This scent begins with a smoky, bold opening, which gradually unfolds into deeper, spicy notes, creating an aura of mystery and strength. The 50ml spray bottle provides a convenient and controlled way to experience the fragrance, ensuring a smooth, even application. Ideal for individuals who enjoy fragrances with complexity and character, Black Spirit combines earthy warmth with a touch of spice, making it perfect for both everyday wear and special occasions. With its distinctive blend of notes, this perfume brings a sense of sophistication and intrigue to every moment.

  • Black Spirit 7ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Black Spirit 7ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Black Spirit is not just a fragrance; it’s an experience that captures the essence of strength and mystery. With every application, it evokes a sense of power and individuality, creating an aura that is both captivating and unforgettable. The deep, resinous base notes are complemented by a subtle spicy undertone, offering a unique blend that transforms as you wear it. The fragrance speaks to those who value authenticity and complexity, leaving a signature scent that is as distinctive as the person wearing it. Ideal for those who desire a fragrance that sets them apart, Black Spirit brings a bold, refined touch to your collection.

  • Blue Oud 100ml concentrated perfume oil of SHANGANI

    Blue Oud 100ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Blue Oud 100ml by SHANGANI is a premium Arabic perfume oil that embodies the essence of traditional elegance and modern sophistication. Crafted with meticulous care, this concentrated perfume oil delivers a rich, captivating fragrance that resonates with the cultural heritage of the UAE. Ideal for those who appreciate the depth and complexity of Arabic scents, Blue Oud is a quintessential addition to any collection of perfume oils. Experience the allure of high-quality Arabic perfume oil with SHANGANI’s Blue Oud, designed to make a lasting impression.

  • Choco Vanilla 100ml – Contracted Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    Choco Vanilla 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Top Notes: Bergamot, Cardamom, Lemon
    A fresh and zesty opening with a citrus burst, spiced with warm cardamom for an invigorating start.

    Heart Notes: Lavender, Patchouli, Clary Sage, Orange Blossom
    A rich floral and earthy core, blending the calming effects of lavender and clary sage with the elegance of patchouli and orange blossom.

    Base Notes: Amber, Benzoin, Vanilla, Musk
    A warm, sensual finish with the sweetness of amber and benzoin, smooth vanilla, and the deep allure of musk for a long-lasting impression.

  • Dream Man 6ml Attar is a concentered perfume oil, free from Alcohol. It is a product of ARD perfumes. Made in UAE

    Dream Men 6ML

    30.00 د.إ

    Dream Men 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Farah 100ML by ARD Perfumes

    Farah 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Farah 100ml is a luxurious fragrance from the Amour Collection by ARD PERFUMES. It is a beautiful blend of floral and fruity notes, making it an ideal choice for women who prefer sweet and fresh fragrances.

    The fragrance opens with the top notes of Grapes and Black Currant, which give a refreshing and fruity touch to the scent. These notes are followed by the middle notes of Tuberose, Heliotrope, and Jasmine, which add a beautiful floral aroma to the fragrance. These middle notes blend perfectly with the top notes and give the fragrance a delicate and feminine touch.

  • Farah Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Farah Attar of ARD PERFUMES is our Collection of Luxury Fragrances which is available. So be prepared to get mesmerized by the ultimate smell of Luxury. What is Concentrated Perfume Oil (Attar):- Arabic perfume oils last much longer as compared to ordinary perfumes. Because these perfumes don’t contain any alcohol, so their ability to last longer is higher. They are so intense that even a small bottle of perfume oil attar can last longer.

  • FARHAN 120ML - Arabic Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    FARHAN 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    FARHAN 120ML of SHANGANI, an exquisite Arabic perfume oil crafted for the UAE market. This refined perfume oil is free from alcohol, ensuring a pure and authentic scent experience. Ideal for those seeking a true Arabic fragrance, FARHAN 120ML embodies the essence of traditional perfume oils while catering to modern preferences. Perfectly suited for daily wear, it reflects the rich heritage of Arabic perfumery with a touch of contemporary elegance.

  • Fathi 100ML by ARD Perfumes

    Fathi 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Fathi 100ml of ARD PERFUMES is a stunning fragrance that captures the essence of masculinity and is designed for the modern man who is confident and sophisticated. This scent is part of the Amour Collection category and is a perfect fit for those who want to make a bold statement with their fragrance.

  • FATHI 6ml Rollon by ARD ALNASEEM

    Fathi 6ml

    30.00 د.إ

    Fathi 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Fathi Perfume-Leather fragrance-ARD aPERFUMESFathi Perfume-Leather fragrance-ARD aPERFUMES

    Fathi Perfume

    35.00 د.إ

    Fathi Perfume is a distinguished Arabic perfume crafted for men who appreciate the finer things in life. This luxurious fragrance embodies the rich heritage of Arabian scents, presented in exquisite luxury packaging that reflects the elegance and sophistication of its contents. Perfect for those seeking a premium scent with a touch of tradition, Fathi Perfume is the epitome of refined masculinity.

  • Floral Mood Perfume For Women of ARD PERFUMES

    Floral Mood Perfume

    70.00 د.إ

    Floral Mood Perfume, a luxurious French perfume for women available in the UAE. Its fragrant freshness and delicate scent are highlighted by the soothing essence of lavender, known for its healing properties. This enchanting fragrance not only uplifts and calms but also brings a sense of balance to your thoughts, frame, and spirit. Perfect for those seeking a sophisticated and serene olfactory experience.

  • Flutter perfume is an exquisite perfume spray designed for women, crafted by ARD PERFUMES and made in the UAEFlutter perfume is an exquisite perfume spray designed for women, crafted by ARD PERFUMES and made in the UAE

    Flutter Perfume

    35.00 د.إ

    Flutter Perfume by ARD PERFUMES is a fragrant embodiment of grace and elegance, crafted exclusively for women who seek a delicate yet captivating scent. Inspired by the gentle flutter of butterfly wings, this perfume spray enchants with its soft floral and citrus top notes, followed by a romantic heart of blooming flowers, and anchored by a warm base of amber and musk. Proudly made in the UAE, Flutter exudes sophistication and femininity, making it the perfect fragrance for both daily wear and special occasions, leaving a lasting impression with every graceful spritz.

  • Ghazal Attar is a concentrated perfume oil product of ARD PERFUMES

    Ghazal Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Ghazal Attar is a fragrance that tells a story of elegance and allure, capturing the spirit of timeless beauty with every drop. The concentrated perfume oil offers a rare sensory experience, where each note unfolds delicately yet powerfully, creating a scent that is both captivating and unforgettable. Its luxurious gold and white packaging reflects the richness within, making Ghazal Attar not just a fragrance, but a cherished treasure. Whether worn to complement your own unique style or gifted to someone special, this perfume oil evokes a sense of sophistication that lingers in the memory long after the scent has faded, leaving behind an impression of grace and charm.

  • Gold Pearl attar which is concentrated perfume oil manufactured by ARD PERFUMES

    Gold Pearl Attar

    45.00 د.إ

    Gold Pearl Attar by ARD PERFUMES:
    Step into a world of opulence and elegance with Gold Pearl Attar, a creation that exemplifies the pinnacle of perfumery. Crafted with utmost care in the heart of the UAE by ARD PERFUMES, this attar is a masterpiece that captures the essence of luxury.

    Experience Opulence with Gold Pearl Attar:
    Elevate your senses and indulge in the splendor of Gold Pearl Attar by ARD PERFUMES. Let the notes of powdery florals, white blossoms, violet, rose, spiciness, and sweetness envelop you in a luxurious embrace. Immerse yourself in a world of fragrance that reflects your refined taste and sophistication. Choose Gold Pearl Attar and let your scent leave an indelible mark of elegance wherever you go.

  • Hadi 100ml concentrated perfume oil of SHANGANI

    HADI 100ml

    20.00 د.إ

    HADI 100ml is an exquisite Arabic perfume oil under the SHANGANI brand, crafted with the finest ingredients to deliver a rich and long-lasting fragrance. Designed for the discerning clientele in the UAE, this concentrated perfume oil embodies elegance and sophistication, making it a perfect choice for those who appreciate the deep, resonant notes of traditional Arabic scents. Ideal for everyday wear, this perfume oil ensures a lingering and captivating aroma that speaks of timeless beauty.