Showing 49–64 of 151 results

  • Hawa 100ML by ARD Perfumes

    Hawa 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Hawa 100ml of ARD PERFUMES is a concentrated perfume oil.

    Superb quality of Concentrated Oil Perfume. It’s a multipurpose concentrated oil perfume for Women. Suitable for mixing with your favorite fragrance or can be use individually. Ensure the higher quality of fragrance packed and its diffusion. The same has been packed under hygienic conditions, making it highly beneficial for your fragrance requirements. Please read the instructions on the package before use.

  • Heba Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Heba Attar by ARD PERFUMES is our Collection of Luxury Fragrances which is available. So be prepared to get mesmerized by the ultimate smell of Luxury. What is Concentrated Perfume Oil (Attar):- Arabic perfume oils last much longer as compared to ordinary perfumes. Because these perfumes don’t contain any alcohol, so their ability to last longer is higher. They are so intense that even a small bottle of perfume oil attar can last longer.

  • Hidaya 100ML by ARD Perfumes

    Hidaya 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Hidaya 100ml is a luxurious and sophisticated fragrance that is part of the Amour Collection and is produced by ARD PERFUMES, a renowned perfume brand based in the United Arab Emirates. This fragrance is designed for women who appreciate the finer things in life and want to leave a lasting impression with their scent.

  • IMAN 120ML - Arabic Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    IMAN 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    IMAN 120ML Arabic perfume oil of SHANGANI brand. Crafted with precision in the UAE, this exquisite perfume oil offers a rich and authentic fragrance experience. Free from alcohol, it embodies the true spirit of Arabic perfume oils, delivering a captivating aroma that enhances your presence. Perfect for those who appreciate high-quality, alcohol-free options, “IMAN” is a distinguished choice in the world of SHANGANI.

  • ISA 120ML - Arabic Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    ISA 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    ISA 120ML, a premium Arabic perfume oil from the SHANGANI brand. Crafted in the UAE, this luxurious perfume oil is free from alcohol, ensuring a pure and authentic fragrance. ISA 120ML delivers a rich and sophisticated aroma, perfect for those who appreciate traditional Arabic perfumery. Elevate your scent profile with the elegance and refinement of ISA 120ML.

  • JAMAL 120ml of Shangani which is Alcohol free perfume oil

    JAMAL 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    JAMAL 120ML under the SHANGANI brand, a premium Arabic perfume oil designed for the UAE market. This exquisite perfume oil offers a refined fragrance experience, free from alcohol, making it a perfect choice for those seeking a traditional yet modern scent. The SHANGANI brand’s commitment to quality is evident in every drop, ensuring an authentic Arabic perfume oil experience tailored for discerning individuals in the UAE.

  • JANAN 6ml Rollon by ARD ALNASEEM

    Janan 6ml

    30.00 د.إ

    Janan 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Janan Air Freshener have arabic fragrance manufactured by ARD PERFUMES

    Janan Air Freshener

    30.00 د.إ

    Janan Air Freshener by ARD PERFUMES is a premium Arabic room spray crafted to infuse your space with the rich essence of traditional Arabic perfume oil. Tailored for the UAE market, this air freshener is free from alcohol, ensuring a pure and long-lasting fragrance experience. Perfect for creating an inviting atmosphere, Janan reflects the elegance and depth of Arabic perfume oil, making it an ideal choice for any room.

  • Jawhara 100ml of ard perfumes

    Jawhara 100ML

    35.00 د.إ

    Jawhara 100ML is an exquisite Arabic perfume oil crafted in the UAE. This concentrated perfume oil, free from alcohol, draws inspiration from the beauty and mystery of nature. Its unique blend of fruity, floral, and fresh notes creates a captivating and refreshing scent, making it a perfect choice for any occasion.

  • Jawhara-3ml-Rollan-Attar-by-ARD-perfumesJawhara concentrated oil attar 3ml by ard perfumes

    Jawhara 3ML

    40.00 د.إ

    Jawhara 3ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 12 pieces (3ML x 12)


  • Jawhara 6ml Attar is a concentered perfume oil, free from Alcohol. It is a product of ARD perfumes. Made in UAE

    Jawhara 6ML

    30.00 د.إ

    Jawhara 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Jawhara Arabic Air Freshener by ARD PERFUMES

    Jawhara Air Freshener

    30.00 د.إ

    Jawhara Air Freshener by ARD PERFUMES. This Arabic room spray, free from alcohol, captures the rich tradition of Arabic perfume oil, offering a refreshing fragrance that enhances any space. Tailored for the UAE market, “Jawhara” brings the timeless allure of perfume oil into your home, creating a lasting ambiance that reflects the elegance of Arabic culture.

  • Jawhara Air Freshener 380ml by ard perfumes. Made in UAE

    Jawhara Air Freshener 380ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Jawhara Air Freshener 380ml, the ultimate choice for refreshing your space with an Arabic touch. This premium Arabic room spray delivers the rich essence of Arabic perfume oil, carefully crafted to enhance your environment with its exquisite fragrance. Free from alcohol, it offers a luxurious scent experience in UAE, making it a perfect addition to any room. Enjoy the sophistication of perfume oil in a convenient spray format, designed to elevate your surroundings with a touch of elegance.

  • Jawhara Attar of ARD PERFUMESJawhara Attar of ARD PERFUMES

    Jawhara Attar

    30.00 د.إ

    Jawhara Attar from ARD PERFUMES is a luxurious perfume oil that’s perfect for anyone who loves fruity, floral, and fresh fragrances. This perfume oil is a favorite among fragrance enthusiasts for its high-quality and authentic scent that leaves you feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Jawhara Attar is a fragrance that’s inspired by the beauty of nature. Its unique blend of fruity, floral, and fresh notes creates a fragrance that’s both light and invigorating. The attar in this fragrance is extracted from natural ingredients, ensuring that you receive a product that’s of the highest quality. This perfume oil is highly concentrated, meaning that a little goes a long way. Its long-lasting formula ensures that you can enjoy the fragrance for hours, and its compact size makes it easy to carry around.


  • Jawhara Musk Perfume manufactured by ARD PERFUMESJawhara Musk Perfume manufactured by ARD PERFUMES

    Jawhara Musk

    35.00 د.إ

    Jawhara Musk is an exquisite Arabic perfume designed specifically for women in the UAE, offering a luxurious fragrance experience. This captivating scent masterfully combines the richness of musk with an exotic blend of floral and woody notes. It features top notes of citrus and bergamot, leading to a heart of jasmine and lily of the valley, and finishes with a base of musk, sandalwood, and amber. The result is a unique and unforgettable fragrance that not only stands out but also lasts throughout the day, ensuring a trail of irresistible scent wherever you go.

  • Jawhara Musk Attar of ARD PERFUMES made in UAE

    Jawhara Musk Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Gold Pearl Attar by ARD PERFUMES:
    Step into a world of opulence and elegance with Gold Pearl Attar, a creation that exemplifies the pinnacle of perfumery. Crafted with utmost care in the heart of the UAE by ARD PERFUMES, this attar is a masterpiece that captures the essence of luxury.

    Experience Opulence with Gold Pearl Attar:
    Elevate your senses and indulge in the splendor of Gold Pearl Attar by ARD PERFUMES. Let the notes of powdery florals, white blossoms, violet, rose, spiciness, and sweetness envelop you in a luxurious embrace. Immerse yourself in a world of fragrance that reflects your refined taste and sophistication. Choose Gold Pearl Attar and let your scent leave an indelible mark of elegance wherever you go.