Showing 65–80 of 151 results

  • Jawhara Oud and Bakhoor by ARD ALNASEEM

    Jawhara Oud

    12.00 د.إ

    Jawhara Oud from ARD PERFUMES is a luxurious perfume oil that’s perfect for use in Mabkhara burners or oud burners. This fragrance is a favorite among Arabians for its high-quality and authentic scent that adds an extra touch of elegance to any home. Jawhara Oud is a fragrance that’s inspired by the beauty of nature. Its unique blend of fruity, floral, and fresh notes creates a fragrance that’s both fresh and invigorating. The oud in this fragrance is sourced from the finest oud distillers in the world, ensuring that you receive a product that’s of the highest quality.

  • Jawhara Oud by ARD PERFUMES

    Jawhara Oud Perfume

    35.00 د.إ

    Jawhara Oud Perfume is an Arabic fragrance that combines the rich, woody aroma of oud with subtle floral notes. This perfume offers a balanced and enduring scent that appeals to those who appreciate the depth and warmth of traditional Arabic perfumes. Perfect for everyday wear, Jawhara Oud Perfume brings a touch of elegance and tradition to any occasion.

  • Jawhara Perfume is an Arabic Perfume of ARD PERFUMES . Made in UAE. A luxury Perfume of UAEJawhara Perfume BY ARD PERFUMES

    Jawhara Perfume

    35.00 د.إ

    Jawhara Perfume is a luxurious Arabic perfume for women, crafted with a blend of fruity, floral, and fresh notes. Perfect for anyone who adores high-quality and authentic fragrances, this perfume oil offers a beautiful and refreshing scent. Inspired by the beauty of nature, Jawhara Perfume captures the essence of natural ingredients, ensuring a premium experience for fragrance enthusiasts in the UAE.

  • Jawhara Pink by ARD PERFUMESJawhara Pink Perfume for women by ARD PERFUMES

    Jawhara Pink Perfume

    35.00 د.إ

    Jawhara Pink Perfume, an exquisite Arabic perfume for women, captures the essence of elegance and charm in the UAE. From the very beginning, the invigorating top notes of melon, floral, and green create a fresh and uplifting introduction. As the fragrance evolves, the heart reveals a captivating blend of rose, fruity accents, and Muguet, weaving a romantic and alluring melody. The base notes of sugary sweetness, musk, and white amber provide a warm and enduring finish, leaving a memorable trail of sophistication.

  • Jawhara Musk 100ML by ARD Perfumes

    Jawhara-Musk 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Jawhara Musk 100ml, from the Amour Collection by ARD PERFUMES, is a fragrance that exudes a sense of freshness and femininity. The blend of melon, floral, green, and musk top notes provides a refreshing and invigorating scent that is perfect for daily wear.

    The middle notes consist of rose, fruity, and muguet, which create a sweet and delicate aroma that is soft and pleasing to the senses. The combination of these notes provides an aura of sophistication and gracefulness, making it ideal for any occasion.

  • Karima 100ML of ARD Perfumes

    Karima 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    KARIMA 100ml is a luxurious and captivating fragrance from the Amour Collection by ARD PERFUMES. This fragrance is designed for those who seek an irresistible scent that blends the richness of oriental and western notes.

    The fragrance opens with a top note of Amber, Chocolate, Water Jasmine, Ginger flower, and Oud. The combination of these notes creates a warm, inviting scent that lingers in the air. The Amber adds depth to the fragrance, while the Chocolate adds sweetness and a touch of indulgence. The Water Jasmine and Ginger flower add a fresh, floral note, and the Oud provides a hint of the exotic.

  • KING LEO 6ml Rollon by ARD PERFUMES

    KING LEO 6ml

    30.00 د.إ

    KING LEO 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Laraib 100ML concentrated Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    Laraib 100ML

    35.00 د.إ

    Laraib 100ML is a premium Arabic perfume oil, crafted specifically for those who appreciate rich and concentrated scents. Tailored for the UAE market, this perfume oil is free from alcohol, ensuring a pure and long-lasting fragrance experience. Ideal for those seeking an authentic and luxurious scent, Laraib 100ML embodies the essence of traditional Arabic perfumery.

  • Laraib Attar of ARD PERFUMES

    Laraib Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Laraib Attar of ARD PERFUMES is our Collection of Luxury Fragrances which is available. So be prepared to get mesmerized by the ultimate smell of Luxury. What is Concentrated Perfume Oil (Attar):- Arabic perfume oils last much longer as compared to ordinary perfumes. Because these perfumes don’t contain any alcohol, so their ability to last longer is higher. They are so intense that even a small bottle of perfume oil attar can last longer.

  • Madia 100ml concentrated perfume oil by ARD PERFUMES

    Madia 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Madia 100ml is an exquisite Arabic perfume oil crafted for those who seek elegance and tradition. In the UAE, this concentrated perfume oil stands out with its alcohol-free formula, ensuring a pure and long-lasting fragrance experience. The scent opens with the vibrant freshness of Geranium as its top note, flows into the rich floral heart of Rose, and settles into a warm and earthy base of Patchouli, Musk, and Wood. Perfect for those who appreciate the art of perfume oil.

  • Madia Attar of ARD PERFUMES made in UAE

    Madia Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Unveil the enchanting allure of Madia Attar, a masterpiece created by ARD Perfumes and proudly made in the United Arab Emirates. This exquisite fragrance captures the essence of sophistication, tradition, and modernity, offering a sensory journey that transcends time and borders.

    A Melody of Distinctive Notes: Madia Attar opens with a harmonious blend of top notes, featuring floral and fruity accords that immediately captivate the senses. The heart notes reveal the delicate dance of exotic spices and precious woods, while the base notes leave a lasting impression with their warm and sensual embrace. The result is a melody of notes that weave together to create a truly unique and captivating fragrance.

  • Malik 100ML manufactured of ARD Perfumes

    Malik 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Malik 100ml is a captivating fragrance from the Amour Collection by ARD PERFUMES. It is a male perfume oil that offers a fresh and invigorating scent that lasts for hours. The fragrance combines a variety of top, middle, and base notes to create a unique and memorable scent.

    The top notes of Malik 100ml include aldehydes, mint, lavender, bergamot, mandarin orange, lemon, artemisia, and neroli. These notes create a fresh and crisp aroma that is both uplifting and invigorating. The combination of citrus and herbal notes is perfect for those who love refreshing scents that awaken the senses.

  • MALIK 120ml of Shangani which is Alcohol free perfume oil

    MALIK 120ML

    20.00 د.إ

    MALIK 120ML from the SHANGANI brand. This Arabic perfume oil, crafted specifically for the UAE market, offers a refined fragrance that embodies tradition and sophistication. Completely free from alcohol, it provides a pure and authentic perfume oil experience. Ideal for those who appreciate high-quality Arabic scents, MALIK 120ML is a testament to the SHANGANI commitment to delivering exceptional, alcohol-free Arabic perfume oils.

  • Malik-Al-Quloob-3ml-Rollan-Attar-by-ARD-perfumesMalik Al Quloob concentrated oil attar 3ml by ard perfumes

    Malik Al Quloob 3ML

    40.00 د.إ

    Malik Al Quloob 3ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 12 pieces (3ML x 12)


  • Malik Al Quloob 6ml Attar is a concentered perfume oil, free from Alcohol. It is a product of ARD perfumes. Made in UAE

    Malik Al Quloob 6ML

    30.00 د.إ

    Malik Al Quloob 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Malik Al Quloob Perfume Spray by ARD perfumesMalik Al Quloob Perfume of ARD PERFUMES

    Malik Al Quloob Perfume

    30.00 د.إ

    Malik Al Quloob Perfume is a captivating Arabic perfume designed for both men and women, available in the UAE. This fragrance draws inspiration from the purity of nature, featuring a unique blend of citrus, green tea, and vetiver notes. Its refreshing and invigorating aroma is crafted from natural ingredients, ensuring the highest quality for an exceptional olfactory experience.