Showing 81–96 of 151 results

  • Mariya Attar by ARD PERFUMES is a luxurious and exotic fragrance that is fully oriental and made in the UAE.

    Mariya Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Mariya Attar by ARD PERFUMES, a mesmerizing fragrance crafted in the UAE. Mariya Attar is an extraordinary blend that captures the essence of warmth, spice, and musk, creating an irresistible and captivating aroma. From the moment you experience Mariya Attar, you are enveloped in a rich tapestry of warm and fresh spices. The fragrance opens with a bold and invigorating blend of spices that instantly awaken the senses. This initial burst is followed by a harmonious blend of fresh spicy notes that add a lively and dynamic character to the scent.

  • Melody 6ml Rollon by ARD PERFUMES


    30.00 د.إ

    MELODY 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Mulki 100ml of ARD PERFUMES

    Mulki 100ML

    35.00 د.إ

    Mulki 100ml is a premium Arabic perfume oil crafted by ARD PERFUMES, designed for the discerning fragrance lovers in the UAE. This concentrated perfume oil, free from alcohol, offers a rich and long-lasting scent experience. Perfect for those who seek a traditional yet sophisticated aroma, Mulki 100ml embodies the essence of luxury and elegance in every drop.

  • Mulki 100ML of ARD PERFUMES

    Mulki 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Mulki 100ml is a luxurious fragrance that is part of the exclusive Amour Collection category. This scent is the perfect combination of floral and spicy notes that will transport you to an exotic and sensual world. Crafted by the renowned perfumers at ARD PERFUMES in the United Arab Emirates, this fragrance is a masterpiece of olfactory art.

    The fragrance opens with a delightful blend of floral, saffron and aromatic notes that provide a fresh and invigorating start to the scent. The saffron adds a spicy and exotic touch, while the floral notes provide a delicate and romantic element to the fragrance.

  • Mulki-3ml-Rollan-Attar-by-ARD-perfumesMulki concentrated oil attar 3ml by ard perfumes

    Mulki 3ML

    40.00 د.إ

    Mulki 3ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 12 pieces (3ML x 12)


  • Mulki 6ml Attar is a concentered perfume oil, free from Alcohol. It is a product of ARD perfumes. Made in UAE

    Mulki 6ML

    30.00 د.إ

    Mulki 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Mulki Arabic Air Freshener by ARD PERFUMES

    Mulki Air Freshener

    30.00 د.إ

    Mulki Air Freshener by ARD PERFUMES is a premium Arabic room spray crafted with the essence of Arabic perfume oil, tailored for the UAE market. This alcohol-free perfume oil provides a rich and captivating fragrance, creating an inviting ambiance in any space. Experience the elegance of Arabic scents with Mulki, the perfect choice for those seeking a luxurious yet alcohol-free Arabic room spray.

  • Mulki Air Freshener 380ml by ard PERFUMES. Made in UAE

    Mulki Air Freshener 380ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Mulki Air Freshener 380ml is an exquisite addition to our line of Arabic perfume oils. Crafted for those who appreciate refined scents, this Arabic Room Spray enhances any space with its rich, alcohol-free fragrance. Perfect for use in the UAE, Mulki Air Freshener provides a luxurious touch while remaining true to our commitment to quality and tradition. Elevate your environment with a perfume oil that embodies the essence of Arabic elegance, free from alcohol and full of captivating aroma.

  • mulki attar of ard perfumes

    Mulki Attar

    30.00 د.إ

    Mulki Attar is a fully oriental perfume by ARD PERFUMES, made in UAE, that features a unique combination of fresh and ambery fragrances. It is a product that is ideal for those who appreciate an intense and long-lasting scent. The fragrance of Mulki Attar is designed to take you on a journey through a luxurious, exotic world. It features fresh and ambery notes, creating a unique scent that is perfect for any occasion. The scent is a blend of floral and spicy notes, giving it a sweet and warm aroma that’s perfect for cooler weather. This perfume is made using high-quality ingredients, ensuring that it’s long-lasting and intense. The attar is extracted naturally, resulting in a product that’s of the highest quality. The long-lasting scent ensures that you can enjoy the fragrance throughout the day.


  • Mulki Perfume Spray for Men and Women manufactured by ARD PerfumesMulki Perfume Spray for Men and Women manufactured by ARD Perfumes

    Mulki Perfume

    35.00 د.إ

    Mulki Perfume, a distinguished Arabic perfume for men and women, epitomizes sophistication and allure in the UAE. It opens with a floral symphony interlaced with a hint of spice, where saffron mingles with aromatic notes for a vibrant, inviting start. As it evolves, the heart reveals jasmine, ylang, and oud, blending elegance with exotic sweetness and a touch of sensual mystery. The journey concludes with a base of oakmoss, sweet undertones, and musk, creating a lasting impression that lingers with earthy, sweet, and deeply sensual notes. Mulki Perfume is a timeless signature scent for those who appreciate refined elegance.

  • Musk Al Fajar 100ML of ARD PERFUMES

    Musk Al Fajar 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Musk Al Fajar 100ml is a luxurious fragrance that is part of the prestigious Amour Collection category. This captivating scent is perfect for those who enjoy a combination of floral and spicy notes, as well as the warm and inviting aroma of musk. Crafted by the renowned perfumers at ARD PERFUMES in the United Arab Emirates, this fragrance is a masterpiece of olfactory art.

    The scent of Musk Al Fajar 100ml is both feminine and alluring. It begins with a burst of fresh and citrusy bergamot notes, along with the spicy and invigorating aroma of pink pepper and elemi. As the fragrance settles, you will notice the delicate and romantic notes of orange blossom, the soft and alluring scent of lily, and the enchanting fragrance of musk.

  • Musk Al Fajar Perfume by ARD PERFUMESMusk Al fajar Perfume for Men by ARD PERFUMES

    Musk Al Fajar Perfume

    70.00 د.إ

    Musk Al Fajar is a captivating Arabic perfume designed for both men and women, embodying the essence of luxury and tradition. Crafted with meticulous attention to detail, this fragrance offers a rich, enchanting aroma that resonates with timeless elegance. Available in the UAE, Musk Al Fajar is the perfect choice for those who appreciate the art of fine perfumery and seek a distinctive scent that stands out.

  • Musk Sandaliya 100ml – Contracted Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    Musk Sandaliya 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Musk Sandaliya 100ml features a bold and captivating blend of strong sandalwood and musk. The fragrance opens with the rich, woody warmth of sandalwood, delivering a grounding and serene aroma that evokes a sense of natural elegance. As the scent develops, the deep, earthy musk emerges, adding a sensual, smooth base that enhances the perfume’s longevity and depth.

  • Musk Tahara Attar - Rich Blend of Spicy Saffron & Peppy Lemon, a products of ARD PERFUMES

    Musk Tahara Attar

    45.00 د.إ

    Musk Tahara Attar is a journey through nature’s finest essences, blending soft woodiness, vibrant citrus, and the gentle sweetness of rose in one unforgettable fragrance. Its nutty-woody top notes envelop you in warmth, setting a serene foundation that mingles perfectly with a musky-citrus heart, adding brightness and intrigue. Finally, the scent settles into a lush base of sweet rose, leaving a lingering trail of delicate floral allure. This alcohol-free perfume oil, crafted with the utmost care by ARD PERFUMES in the UAE, invites you to indulge in a luxurious experience, perfect for everyday elegance or as a thoughtful gift for women who appreciate refined beauty.

  • Musk Tahara Floral 100ml – Contracted Perfume Oil by ARD PERFUMES

    Musk Tahara Floral 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Musk Tahara Floral 100ml by ARD PERFUMES:

    Top Notes: Melon, Floral, Green, Musk
    Middle Notes: Rose, Fruity, Muguet (Lily of the Valley)
    Base Notes: Sugary, Musk, White Amber

  • Najah 100ML of ARD PERFUMES

    Najah 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    NAJAH 100ml is a luxurious fragrance that is part of the prestigious Amour Collection category. This captivating scent is perfect for those who enjoy a combination of sweet and floral notes, as well as the warm and inviting aroma of vanilla and caramel. Crafted by the renowned perfumers at ARD PERFUMES in the United Arab Emirates, this fragrance is a masterpiece of olfactory art.

    The scent of NAJAH 100ml is feminine, alluring, and sophisticated. It begins with a burst of citrusy orange and bergamot notes, along with the sweet and inviting aroma of caramel and vanilla. As the fragrance settles, you will notice the delicate and romantic notes of jasmine, the soft and alluring scent of white musk, and the enchanting fragrance of orchid.