Showing 113–128 of 151 results

  • Romance 20ml is a pocket perfume product of Shangani brand

    Romance 20ml

    10.00 د.إ

    Romance 20ml is a pocket perfume that captures the essence of tenderness and elegance in a compact bottle. With its delicate blend of soft florals and warm undertones, this fragrance evokes a sense of affection and intimacy, perfect for those who seek a gentle yet captivating scent. The 20ml size is designed for easy portability, allowing you to carry this enchanting fragrance with you wherever life takes you. Whether you’re in a meeting, on a date, or simply enjoying a day out, Romance adds a touch of subtle charm that lingers with you, leaving a soft and memorable impression.

  • Romance 24ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Romance 24ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Romance 24ml is a perfume oil that encapsulates the essence of subtle elegance and affection. Its soft floral notes, blended harmoniously with warm, gentle undertones, create a fragrance that feels like a quiet moment of tenderness. Perfect for those who enjoy a scent that is both comforting and graceful, Romance unfolds with a fresh, floral burst that gradually transitions into a smooth, delicate warmth. The oil-based formulation allows the fragrance to linger close to the skin, offering a personal, intimate experience. The 24ml bottle is a perfect size for those who want to indulge in this soothing, charming fragrance, whether for daily wear or for those special, memorable moments.

  • Romance 50ml is a perfume spray product of Shangani brand

    Romance 50ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Romance 50ml is a delicate perfume spray that brings a soft and inviting fragrance to your day. With its light floral notes, this scent creates a serene and refreshing atmosphere, gradually unfolding into warm, comforting hints that evoke feelings of tenderness and affection. The 50ml spray bottle provides a convenient way to experience the fragrance, delivering a fine mist for an even and gentle application. Perfect for those who appreciate fragrances with a calm, graceful character, Romance enhances your presence with a fragrance that feels both personal and soothing. Whether you’re looking for an everyday scent or a special fragrance for a memorable moment, Romance 50ml offers an uplifting touch to any occasion.

  • Romance 7ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Romance 7ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Romance 7ml is more than just a fragrance—it’s an invitation to experience the beauty of quiet moments and heartfelt connections. The delicate composition of floral and warm notes creates a sense of gentle elegance that lingers softly, leaving behind an impression of tenderness and charm. This perfume oil is perfect for those who desire a fragrance that mirrors their graceful presence, offering an understated yet powerful aura. Whether you’re enjoying a serene day or a special evening, Romance adds a touch of sweetness and warmth that feels like a personal embrace, making every moment more memorable.

  • Royal Blue 20ml is a pocket perfume product of Shangani brand

    Royal Blue 20ml

    10.00 د.إ

    Royal Blue 20ml offers a captivating fragrance experience that combines fresh, invigorating notes with a rich, woody base, all in a convenient pocket-sized bottle. This perfume is designed for those who appreciate bold yet refined scents, making it an ideal companion for those who are always on the move. Its compact 20ml size ensures you can easily carry it in your pocket or bag, making it perfect for quick refreshes during busy days or special occasions. With Royal Blue, you can carry a sophisticated, dynamic fragrance that adapts to your lifestyle and leaves a lasting impression wherever you go.

  • Royal Blue 24ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Royal Blue 24ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Royal Blue 24ml is a perfume oil that embodies a sense of strength and elegance in a bottle. This fragrance combines fresh, invigorating notes with deep, woody undertones, creating a scent that feels both refreshing and grounded. Ideal for those who appreciate a fragrance with character, Royal Blue transitions beautifully from crisp top notes to a more subtle, warm base, offering a well-balanced and sophisticated aroma. The oil formulation provides a close-to-skin experience, allowing the fragrance to envelop you in a smooth, personal aura. The 24ml size ensures you can enjoy this distinctive scent whenever you wish, making it the perfect addition to your fragrance collection.

  • Royal Blue 50ml is a perfume spray product of Shangani brand

    Royal Blue 50ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Royal Blue 50ml is a vibrant perfume spray that brings together a blend of fresh, invigorating notes with a smooth, woody base. The fragrance begins with a burst of crisp, energizing top notes, followed by a deep, earthy heart that provides balance and richness. The 50ml spray bottle is designed for those who appreciate a fragrance that is both bold and refined, offering a scent that feels confident and distinctive without being overpowering. Perfect for both casual and formal occasions, Royal Blue adds a touch of sophistication to your daily routine. The spray application ensures easy and precise use, allowing you to experience a fragrance that is fresh, elegant, and effortlessly cool.

  • Royal Blue 7ml is a perfume oil product of Shangani brand

    Royal Blue 7ml

    20.00 د.إ

    Royal Blue captures the essence of timeless elegance, blending classic notes with a contemporary twist. This fragrance envelops you in a rich, captivating aura that speaks to both strength and grace. Its intriguing composition begins with fresh, invigorating top notes that gradually evolve into a deep, grounding heart of woods and florals. As the fragrance settles, it reveals a refined, smooth finish that lingers gently, making it an ideal choice for those who seek a scent that complements their sophisticated and confident persona. Royal Blue is more than just a fragrance; it’s a signature scent that perfectly reflects a poised and assured character.

  • Royalty 6ml Rollon by ARD PERFUMES


    30.00 د.إ

    ROYALTY 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Safwan 100ML of ARD PERFUMES

    Safwan 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Safwan 100ml of ARD PERFUMES is a concentrated perfume oil.

    Superb quality of Concentrated Oil Perfume. It’s a multipurpose concentrated oil perfume for Men. Suitable for mixing with your favorite fragrance or can be use individually. Ensure the higher quality of fragrance packed and its diffusion. The same has been packed under hygienic conditions, making it highly beneficial for your fragrance requirements. Please read the instructions on the package before use.


  • Saida Attar by ARD PERFUMES is a luxurious and exotic fragrance that is fully oriental and made in the UAE

    Saida Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Saida Attar by ARD PERFUMES, a luxurious fragrance crafted in the heart of the UAE. Saida Attar is an exquisite blend that embodies the sophistication and timeless allure of the chypre floral fragrance family. From the first encounter, this scent captures the essence of elegance and refinement.

    The journey of Saida Attar begins with a vibrant burst of blood orange and mandarin orange. These top notes create an invigorating and refreshing opening that instantly uplifts the senses. As the fragrance unfolds, it reveals a heart of honey, gardenia, and peach. This sweet and floral combination adds depth and richness, evoking a sense of natural beauty and grace.

  • Salma-3ml-Rollan-Attar-by-ARD-PERFUMESSalma concentrated oil attar 3ml by ard perfumes

    Salma 3ML

    40.00 د.إ

    Salma 3ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 12 pieces (3ML x 12)


  • Salma 6ml Attar is a concentered perfume oil, free from Alcohol. It is a product of ARD perfumes. Made in UAE

    Salma 6ML

    30.00 د.إ

    Salma 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Salman 100ml of ARD PERFUMES

    Salman 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Salman 100ml is a luxurious fragrance that is part of the prestigious Amour Collection category. This exotic scent is perfect for those who enjoy a combination of spicy and woody notes, as well as the warm and comforting aroma of musk. Crafted by the renowned perfumers at ARD PERFUMES in the United Arab Emirates, this fragrance is a masterpiece of olfactory art.

    The scent of Salman 100ml is masculine, alluring, and sophisticated. It begins with a burst of spicy ginger and pepper notes, along with the mystical and enchanting aroma of myrrh. As the fragrance settles, you will notice the deep and rich notes of Oud, which are balanced perfectly with the warm and comforting aroma of musk.

  • Sandal Rose Concentrated oil 100ML by ARD PERFUMES

    Sandal Rose 100ML

    35.00 د.إ

    Sandal Rose 100ML, an Arabic perfume oil designed for those who appreciate the rich traditions of fragrance in the UAE. This concentrated perfume oil is free from alcohol, offering a pure and refined experience. Sandal Rose combines the timeless elegance of sandalwood with the delicate essence of rose, creating a captivating scent that lingers throughout the day. Perfect for anyone seeking a high-quality, alcohol-free perfume oil, Sandal Rose embodies sophistication and tradition in every drop.

  • Sandal Zafaran 100ml – Contracted Perfume Oil is a product of ARD PERFUMES

    Sandal Zafaran 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Sandal Zafaran 100ml is a fragrance that effortlessly blends the earthy warmth of sandalwood with the subtle, exotic touch of saffron, creating an aromatic experience that feels both grounding and enchanting. The concentrated perfume oil formula offers an intimate, lasting scent that unfolds delicately on the skin, leaving behind an aura of sophistication and elegance. Encased in a luxurious gold and white box, this perfume oil not only elevates your personal fragrance collection but also makes an exceptional gift that expresses thoughtfulness and refinement. Whether worn for everyday moments or special occasions, Sandal Zafaran leaves a lasting impression of grace and timeless beauty.