Showing 129–144 of 151 results

  • Sara 100ml of ARD PERFUMES

    Sara 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Sara 100ml is a luxurious fragrance that is part of the prestigious Amour Collection category. This exquisite scent is perfect for those who enjoy a combination of citrus, sweet, and vanilla notes, as well as powdery, fresh, musky, woody, balsamic, and floral undertones. This captivating fragrance is crafted by the renowned perfumers at ARD PERFUMES in the United Arab Emirates.

    The scent of Sara 100ml is delicate, sensual, and alluring. It begins with a burst of citrus notes that immediately capture your senses. As the fragrance settles, you will notice the sweet caramel and vanilla notes that add depth and complexity to the scent.

  • Secret Men 3m Roll-on by ARD PERFUMESSecret Men concentrated oil attar 3ml by ard PERFUMES

    Secret Men 3ML

    40.00 د.إ

    Secret Men 3ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 12 pieces (3ML x 12)


  • Secret Men Perfume Spray for Men of ARD PERFUMESSecret Men Perfume Spray for Men of ARD PERFUMES

    Secret Men Perfume

    30.00 د.إ

    Secret Men Perfume is an Arabic perfume designed exclusively for men, offering a sophisticated blend of fresh, spicy, and warm notes. The fragrance opens with invigorating top notes of bergamot, lemon, and grapefruit, creating a refreshing citrus burst. As it evolves, the heart reveals a mix of cardamom, lavender, and rose, adding a layer of depth and complexity. The base notes of amber, cedarwood, and sandalwood provide a warm, comforting finish. Encased in elegant packaging, this perfume embodies the essence of refinement, making it a perfect choice for the discerning man.

  • Silver Oud 100ml which is concentrated perfume oil, it is a products of ARD PERFUMES

    Silver Oud 100ml

    35.00 د.إ

    Silver Oud 100ml by ARD PERFUMES is a premium Arabic perfume oil designed for those who appreciate rich, concentrated fragrances. Tailored for the UAE market, this perfume oil is free from alcohol, offering a long-lasting scent that embodies the essence of traditional Arabian luxury. Perfect for those who seek a refined and enduring aroma.

  • Silver Oud Attar by ARD PERFUMES

    Silver Oud Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Silver Oud Attar by ARD PERFUMES Indulge in the enchanting world of Silver Oud and experience the seamless fusion of time-honored ingredients and contemporary expertise. Let the evocative notes transport you to a realm of elegance and sophistication, where the past and present converge in a harmonious symphony of scents.

  • Sofia 3ml of ARD PERFUMESSofia concentrated oil attar 3ml by ARD PERFUMES

    Sofia 3ML

    40.00 د.إ

    Sofia 3ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 12 pieces (3ML x 12)


  • Spirit 3ML Rollon of ARD PERFUMESSpirit 3ML Rollon of ARD PERFUMES

    Spirit 3ML

    40.00 د.إ

    Spirit 3ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 12 pieces (3ML x 12)


  • Spirit 6ml Attar is a concentered perfume oil, free from Alcohol. It is a product of ARD perfumes. Made in UAE

    Spirit 6ML

    30.00 د.إ

    Spirit 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Sultan Perfume of SHANGANI brand which is sub brand of ARD PERFUMES

    SULTAN Perfume

    20.00 د.إ

    Sultan Perfume by SHANGANI, an exquisite Arabic perfume oil tailored for those who seek a touch of royalty in their scent. Crafted in the UAE, this luxurious fragrance encapsulates the essence of opulence and sophistication, making it the ideal choice for those who appreciate a royal spray that leaves a lasting impression. Sultan Perfume embodies the rich heritage of Arabic perfumery, offering an unparalleled experience in the world of scents.

  • Sultana Concentrated oil 100ML by ARD PERFUMES

    Sultana 100ML

    35.00 د.إ

    Sultana 100ML by ARD PERFUMES, a premium Arabic perfume oil crafted for the discerning connoisseur in the UAE. This fragrance free from alcohol, is a highly concentrated perfume oil that delivers a rich and captivating scent experience. Sultana 100ML embodies the essence of refined elegance, offering an unforgettable aroma that stands out in the world of Arabic perfume oils. Ideal for those seeking a sophisticated and enduring fragrance.


    Sultana Attar

    25.00 د.إ

    Sultana Attar from ARD PERFUMES is a luxurious perfume oil that’s perfect for anyone who loves aromatic, warm spicy, fresh spicy, and musky fragrances. This perfume oil is a favorite among fragrance enthusiasts for its high-quality and authentic scent that leaves you feeling luxurious and sophisticated. Sultana Attar is a fragrance that’s inspired by the richness of oriental spices. Its unique blend of spicy, fresh and musky notes creates a fragrance that’s both bold and unforgettable. The attar in this fragrance is extracted from natural ingredients, ensuring that you receive a product that’s of the highest quality. This perfume oil is highly concentrated, meaning that a little goes a long way. Its long-lasting formula ensures that you can enjoy the fragrance for hours, and its compact size makes it easy to carry around.

  • Sultana Oud and Bakhoor by ARD PERFUMES

    Sultana Oud

    12.00 د.إ

    Sultana Oud is a fragrance that’s inspired by the elegance and luxury of royalty. Its unique blend of woody, floral, and spicy notes creates a fragrance that’s both regal and sophisticated. The oud in this fragrance is sourced from the finest oud distillers in the world, ensuring that you receive a product that’s of the highest quality.

    If you’re looking for a fragrance that’s perfect for Mabkhara burners or oud burners, look no further than Sultana Oud from ARD PERFUMES. This luxurious perfume oil is specifically designed for use in burners and is a favorite among Arabians for its high-quality and authentic scent.


  • Sundus 100ML concentrated Perfume Oil Manufactured by ARD ALNASEEM

    Sundus 100ML

    35.00 د.إ

    Sundus 100ML, an exquisite Arabic perfume oil crafted for the discerning tastes in the UAE. This concentrated perfume oil is free from alcohol, ensuring a pure and long-lasting fragrance experience. Perfectly blending traditional elegance with modern sophistication, Sundus offers a rich aroma that embodies the essence of luxury. Ideal for those who appreciate high-quality, alcohol-free perfume oils.

  • Sundus 6ML ROLLON BY ARD perfumes

    Sundus 6ml

    30.00 د.إ

    Sundus 6ML Concentrated Perfume Oil is totally 100% free from Alcohol. It having Arabic Fragrance and Aromatic ingredients. One Pack contains 6 pieces (6ML x 6)


  • Sundus Air Freshener by ARD PERFUMES

    Sundus Air Freshener

    30.00 د.إ

    Sundus Air Freshener by ARD PERFUMES is a premium Arabic room spray crafted to infuse your space with the rich essence of Arabic perfume oil. Free from alcohol, this air freshener is perfect for use in the UAE, offering a luxurious and lasting fragrance that elevates any environment. Experience the true essence of perfume oil with this carefully formulated Arabic room spray.


    Sundus Attar

    35.00 د.إ

    Sundus Attar by ARD PERFUMES is our Collection of Luxury Fragrances which is available. So be prepared to get mesmerized by the ultimate smell of Luxury. What is Concentrated Perfume Oil (Attar):- Arabic perfume oils last much longer as compared to ordinary perfumes. Because these perfumes don’t contain any alcohol, so their ability to last longer is higher. They are so intense that even a small bottle of perfume oil attar can last longer.